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Study Week: Remembering in the Anthropocene

Submitted by Agnes Dietrich on
roter Kalender mit dem Wort Veranstaltung.

The confrontation with the colonial past is currently receiving increasing public attention in society, churches and religious communities –- in Germany and worldwide.
Against this background, the study week with experts and activists from Latin America and Africa will take a theological and interdisciplinary look at two current focal points of post- and decolonial debates: How do postcolonial perspectives change our national and transnational cultures of memory? How are we currently entangled with neocolonial relations of exploitation, as revealed in the extraction of natural resources?

Topics of the study week:

Memory Studies, Cultures of Memory, and Coloniality.
Neocolonialism in the Anthropocene: extractivism and global climate activism as theological sites
Theological resourcing: Towards a postcolonial theology and spirituality of creation